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Book: Face Reading Secrets for Successful Relationships

by Dr. Peter Reznik


 Face Reading Secrets for Successful Relationships reveals the many secrets that are hidden in people’s faces. Using this powerful tool you will gain vital, life saving knowledge. This is your key to discovering essential information about the people in your life, the people you are going to meet and yourself! Yes, in this exciting book Dr. Reznik teaches you how to read faces!

Human Morphology (face reading) can help you to:

— Know how to recognize and choose your soul mate

— Start off a relationship with someone who has character traits that complement your temperament and personality 

— Resolve misunderstandings and power struggles in your existing relationships

— Understand the ways people think, the reasons for their behavior,
and the means to satisfy their needs

 — Discover essential information about the people in your life, the people you are going to meet and yourself! 


—Show you how the science and art of Face Reading can be used with full accuracy to understand your own temperament and personality

—Help you become adept at reading the secrets hidden in a someone’s face in surprisingly great detail-after looking at a person for just a few seconds!

—Allow you to determine whether the one standing before you is a possible soul-mate, and help you identify the people who are your best matches for developing meaningful, loving, and long-lasting relationships (and the most challenging matches as well).

—Give you give the face readings of six famous couples, providing the analysis of what worked in their relationships, and what made it challenging or a deal breaker.


“I've perused a lot of face reading material on the internet, and Dr. Reznik's approach is the most accurate, thorough, and repeatable approach I've found. Once you begin to learn and practice Dr. Reznik's methods, you can't unsee it when looking at the faces of people around you. It's like having a magic ball for gauging people's personalities. Truly amazing!”

— Jason Oyama

“I purchased the book and suffice it to say, it has made a huge difference in my life, both personally and professionally. I've been married for 12 years and finally I understand who my husband is!”

— Jennifer Nassiri

“Dr. Reznik teaches you the quickest way to understand the system of morphology, while being deep and thorough at the same time. Many parts are written as a step-by-step manual to guide the reader through different temperamental and personality types, and their applications. After reading this book I was able to understand the morphology of my children, which then helped me change our family dynamic.”

— Elena Meehan

“This book is the most thorough body of knowledge I have encountered on the subject of Face Reading. The photos make it easier to identify the traits we are looking for and the explanations for those traits and how they play out in human behavior.”

— Susan Geissler

“What I was most eager to learn was that the concepts and takeaways from this book can be applied to virtually any area of life that has a relationship component: business, education, professional relationships etc.”

— Hudson Hi-Fi